6 tips to boost your eCommerce online conversion

6 tips to boost your eCommerce online conversion

Online conversion rate is the KPI (key performance indicator) par excellence in eCommerce and is expected to show an annual growth rate of 10.7%  from 2017 to 2021 in Ireland. However, 44% of users go directly to Amazon to search for products and 70% of Irish...

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Check if your website is SEO friendly

Check if your website is SEO friendly

Aren't you able to find your own business' site when you type the URL on Google? Are you wondering why your site is much better than your competitors and, even though you are not in the first result of the result page for your most important keywords? Check if your...

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5 keys on how to do a competitors analysis

5 keys on how to do a competitors analysis

Comparisons are never fair, but we have to admit it, to know how good or how bad our own stuff is, we usually have a look at what others are doing. But, do you know how to do a competitors analysis? It is not simple, but it will be much easier with these 5 keys. Every...

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How to create SEO-rich content for your site

How to create SEO-rich content for your site

90% of us search the internet when looking for a product or service. Therefore, having a website is absolutely crucial to gathering customers. However, a website without SEO-rich content is like a car without petrol. The ability to go somewhere is there, but there is...

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Does Google Adwords work?

Does Google Adwords work?

More and more clients are asking us this question: Does Google Adwords work? We are not keeping up the mystery. The answer is yes, but what you should be asking is if Google Adwords would work for your business. We will try to explain why we strongly believe that...

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How to create a page in WordPress

How to create a page in WordPress

The first step of controlling your own content in a Wordpress website is knowing how to create pages. Here, we will explain not only how to create a page, but how to add it to the navigation bar so that users can access it. [ctt template="5" link="DX7Rp"...

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