9 Types of blog content to drive more traffic to your site

Sep 22, 2017

A few weeks ago we told you about how to start writing a blog post, did you get one started yet? If yes, then you are most likely wondering what bog content brings most traffic.

In order to keep your audience entertained and informed it is good to publish different types of blog content. Amongst the most popular types of blog content we found the top 9.

Types of blog content 

1. How to post, guides, and tutorials

We search online to find the answer to our questions. Knowing your target market and their questions can give you a competitive advantage. If you create articles, guides, tutorials which answer those questions  then you will attract the correct target market to your website.

2.  Lists

We all love lists. Why? When we see a list of numbers, it makes it easier for us to understand the content and anticipate how long will take us to read. Lists make it easier for our brain to sort the content into groups, which makes this type of blog content more appealing and shareable.


Source: https://www.neurosciencemarketing.com/blog/articles/power-of-ten.htm#

3. Research and stats

Stats and data are everywhere and are crucial to making decisions. If you can produce your own data and reports, it is a unique source of information, valuable for many. If not, you can always gather other peoples researched data and present it in a way that brings value to your target market.

Source: http://ipsosmrbi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Social-Networking-Jan-17.pdf

4. Case Studies

A well-presented case study with supporting testimonials and reviews can bring you not only traffic but also authority and leads. A case study has the power of combining storytelling, presenting data and customer reviews all in one.

5. Resources

Sometimes when we research a topic, it takes us a while to find the right information. Wouldn’t it be ideal if someone put the information all together for us?

A collection of links pointing to resources and tools which helps your target market, can bring you the right traffic.

A good example of resources is the Startup Ireland website. On their website, resources for starts ups are all organised and easy to find.


6. Reviewing / Comparing

Depending on the type of business you’re in, reviewing or comparing different services/products, can create an interesting blog for your target audience.  This type of information is highly searched by all of us.



Source: https://comparisons.financesonline.com/magento-vs-prestashop

7. Controversial Posts

If you have a strong controversial opinion on a topic, this blog can increase your brand awareness by bringing traffic to your site. Just be careful, as you’re risking your brand image when not done properly.

Paul Stenson, the owner of White Moose café, uses controversial content all over their channels to promote their establishment.





On the news


8. Interviews

Interviewing public personalities, influencers, and celebrities that are related to your brand and products/services can give you more credibility and authority. Interviews have the human factor, contain storytelling and brings educational and inspirational insights.


9.Guest Posts

Creating quality blog posts that are relevant and that bring something new to your audience, requires a high amount of time. Allowing guest posts on your site can help too.  Look for related and authoritative bloggers and companies which can deliver quality fresh content.

Moz blog is one of the most relevant blogs regarding SEO and Marketing, and uses this system to constantly offer great content.


You can use all those types of blog posts to create a blog series instead of a one of blog post, where you can expand a topic during few blog posts.

How to enhance your blog posts

Apart of being informative, the content needs to be entertaining. For this reason, it is important to always add visual content.   Some other resources that can bring your content to the next level are:

1. Infographics

As Buzzsumo research reveals, Infographics are the type of content that is more shareable followed by why posts and lists. Infographics make data visually appealing, increases awareness and help you connect with your audience.

2. Video

 Video is key for all communication.

ireland-online-video-consumption-rate-2016Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/377008/online-video-consumption-rate-ireland/



Source: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/marketing-resources/micro-moments/video-micro-moments-what-do-they-mean-for-your-video-strategy/

3. Podcasts

Even though video is the king, the percentage of users which listen to podcasts keeps increasing each year, as we can see on the research performed by Infinite Dial.


4. Presentations

In addition to visual resources, presentations are highly successful.  slideshare.net is hugly successful and their content is merely presentations, they have 60 million monthly visits.





Conclusion, try to offer content that will be loved by your target audience in different ways. Some of the most popular types of blog content are:

  1. How to post, guides, and tutorials
  2. List and checklists
  3. Research and stats
  4. Case Studies
  5. Resources
  6. Reviewing products or services
  7. Controversial Posts
  8. Interviews
  9. Guest Posts

And you can always enhance it with visual content:

  1. Images
  2. Infographics
  3. Video
  4. Podcasts
  5. Presentation and slides

Thanks for reading once again.



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